Gee... Nice weather today... neither warm nor rain! Just the perfect weather i'd like! Guess thats why i wanna blog i guess...
HAHA! had in-service at camp today, should be ending at 530pm but fortunately we had to go support some regulars at some volleyball match! T.T Luckily, they lost otherwise we would have had to stay up later. =P
Seems that not even a unit can beat the GURKHAS (Police Guards from Nepal, best in Singapore!) when it comes to physical endurance, sports and all. Man, even Singapore's very own STAR (Singapore's SWAT) unit wasnt as good! Was a rather competitive fight among STAR, GURKHAS and of course la... needless to say... my SOC (Special Operations Command)!
But of course, as i mentioned... GURKHAS was first, STAR second followed by SOC. A big congrats to you all. (claps claps!)
Man, its been so long since I've been on raid and all. Singapore might look peaceful but actually crime happens almost everyday. The only reason why Singapore's called safe is because the cops here are everywhere. They dont have to be in uniform too... so you'll never know who you're sitting with beside you on the mrt. tsk tsk!
Gonna go sing along the malay song now. Think its really nice. Pardon me, i must have been a malay in my previous life. HAHA! hope you'd like it!