Monday, February 12, 2007


Ok... here's something that my baby insisted me on answering. So there you have you have it! here are the questions and the answers that she asked me... worse! over the blog! haha! enjoy!

1. Give me your number?

DUH! You already have my number!

2. Let me kiss you?

Baby, you know I'd kiss you even if you dont! Yes, I'd let you.

3. Have sex with me?

err a tinny bit too public dont cha think? =P well, its f
or me to know and for you to find out!

4. Watch a movie with me?

Its starting to become a hobby watching movies with you eh?

5. Let me take you out to dinner?

Well, i dont mind... haha! just dont spend too much ya...

6. Drive me somewhere/anywhere?

I will if only i had my liscense, I'll drive you anywhere you want. But must help with petrol.

7. Take a shower with me?

err... another personal question. hmm... sigh, if only you'd allow... whahaha!

8. Buy me things that i want?

Sure, anytime darling. I'm still thinking what i should be getting you for valentines! argh!

9. Have a fling with me?

Fling?! N E V E R ! ! ! i swear, i promise! cross my heart!
hope to die! believe me k?

10. Listen to me if I called you crying even if you were out with all of your friends?

My shoulders and ears is all yours honey, i'll shine my love into your life!

11. Buy me a drink if i didnt have money?

No, i wont... I'll bring you to starbucks myself and we'll have drinks there together.

12. Take me home when im drunk?

Yup! i will make sure that harm would not even come 50km anywhere near you.

13. Let me sleep in your bed?

Havent you already been there done that? tsk =P sleep only ar... can can!

14. Sing karaoke w/ me?

Though i cant sing for nuts, but why not?! everything
also got first time and its always fun!

15. Take off n sit in the doctors office fer 3hrs with me because I didn't want to go alone?

Yes, even if i'm at the other side of the planet, i'd still come for you. Thats from my heart.

16. Shout I LOVE YOU even when you're with your

Of course! why so shy?

17. Come pick me up at 3 am because I'm lost in the middle of nowhere?

I wont let history repeat itself. Even if i'm sleeping, i'll come for you.

18. Tell me im pretty, beautiful, or hot?

Err.. how to when you're all of it baby? =D

19. Tell me if you like my style?

Well, now i'm telling you... i DO! hahaha!

20. Think im funny?

Funny? not only that! You're like the epitomy of fun and happiness!

21. Care about me?

Oh you know i've always been...

22. Cry if i die?

I think i'll do more than just cry baby...

23. Stop me if i try to commit suicide?

Yes, I'll prevent you from doing such things, promise me you wont do it k?

24. Dance with me and sing me happy birthday even in pu

Let's get wild! Argh! WOOOOT! -strips- =P

So there you have it.. All the answers to your questions. With all i said, I just want to let you know that i mean everything that i've said. And for that i'll conclude...

I love you.

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