I'd say that its just that its a formal day where people celebrate as one... like just one formal acknowledgement? aiya, you know what i mean... tsk!
Anyways, today was really fun! The Valentine Girl (VG) was pretty surprised today! haha, guess my plan worked out well. VG was trying to guess yesterday on what i would be doing or giving... until... haha, she gave up... (T.T) She didnt even know that i was buying and planning things right in front of her while shopping! hahaha! so fun luh!
Though she had to go to school in the evening and i had to wake up early for work the next day, we still managed to have a nice warm celebration.
So today we did the basics... exchanging prezzies and all... whoa! I've to admit! VG has a brilliant sense of designing!
She did a board for me that had a message, badge that had our pic and many many great great layouts designs! she should like work as a Designer la! ha! As for me, i gave her flowers (so cliche), her fav seaweeds, her fav album, and her not-so-nice message card from me =( I'm not as talented as her ma... tsk!
Headed down to Vienna for lunch... You should see my face today when i saw her eating the small fish. whats it called again? Think its shisamo.. or something like that... =P she ate the entire thing! not even the bones were spared! head, fins, body, tail... ALL GONE! but i've to admit, it wasnt so bad... haha!
After that we headed down to PS to catch "Just Follow Law"... ... ... The show was... .... it was... ... sigh... morale was there but it was put in a wrong way... (quoted from VG). I personally think it was too exaggerated, effects and all...
But hey! its the companionship that felt great! haha! Soon after it ended, VG had to go for lesson... =(
But all in all, it was G R E A T! To all couples, parents and everyone else in the world... I wish you all a very Happy Valentine's Day! Enjoy yourselves!