The place you'll never forget amanda! =P
The happy successful graduate!
The cast involved... tsk!
*btw... hey amanda! hope your application to meridien is approved! -fingers crossed-
The other day just after amanda's grad, we all headed down to Ramen Ramen and had ourselves a nice bowl of warm ramen with lots of side dishes! lol ! and we had a little discussion on job employment etc. And then it dawn upon me...
What am i gonna do in the future? What's instored for me in years to come?
Somehow I thought about it myself and i realised how "behind" i am. I'm not doing anything now frankly which i should have when i planned. I kinda planned it way back actually. Here's 3 most important things that i should've done by the time i ORD:
1) Completed and attained my Driving Licence
2) Taken several modules in my Dip and decided on my course of Degree
3) Taken several grades ahead in my Music path
There are still a few others but are generally less important. Honestly, its not that i dont wanna do, but its financially heavy on the pocket. =( Now i know when people say that money shouldnt be the reason to stop someone from persuing his/her path, how so true.
Sigh, if only i had the chance to do what i really want. ARGH! I dont wanna go to that topic of NS... sigh... lols! well, since every male has to go through the same things as me, i guess i'll probably just have to work my way around it. God help me! Plueeeze!
On a lighter note, I simply took up some contest i found on the TODAY paper. Its some funky party called SCREAM @ Cafe del Mar on 1st June. I just read the article and sent the message to participate. Sent in 2 entries actually both mine and elle's.

Guess what?! The both of us won! How cool is that?! lol ! We were both so excited that we went down and collected 2 pairs of tickets! WHOOOOO!!!!! Alvin joined us too... Lots of bands are gonna be there namely Wicked Aura, Tabula, FemmeArsNova, May & Choy, Sodagreen etc. DJs Daniel Ong and Xiaozhu are gonna be there too. (I've no idea who the heck some of them are actually... but whatever... =P) So yep! I just know thats its gonna be a blast!!!
Okies, i think i might have updated quite a bit tonight. lol! I'll log off here. OMG! before that... I'm gonna watch Pirates of the Carribean 3 tomorrow! Elle's so excited over it! Just hope that there's gonna be enough tickets though. -fingers crossed-

I wanna watch PIRATES!!! Bring me ok! and buy me the popcorn combo!!! =DDDD
okies okies! we're all going today! one popcorn each or both of us!!!!
omg omg!! pirates!!!XD hahah``
thank u so so much for coming down for my grad!! and for the flowers!(oh crap. i forgot to thank elle for that.=x)
and for standing in the sun while i run ard like a mad woman perspiring and taking pics with other ppl! hahah``
at least u nv had me screaming accidentally in ur ear.=x jhaahahah`=D
To Amanda: LOL! yea, you can say that again. But i did had one "trial" when you suddenly screamed! yikes! =P
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