Went to catch Spiderman 3 today. Bravo i'd say! I absolutely love the CGI effects! If only singapore had 0.05 of what they could actually do... sigh. However, i kinda thought that the ending was a little anti climax if i might say. Well, i'm not gonna say it right here so you guys can go check it out and see them for yourself. But overall, i think it was indeed a brilliant show!
Today was a nice and sweet day for me. Manged to get our arse (me and gf) off from our house and actually do some "dating"! Went to have our wonderful Ichiban as always... Never fails to satisfy...
Following which we decided to relive our childhood... guess what... hahahahaha! we went to take neoprints! WTH ! ! ! ! (T.T) yea i know...
As much as i hate saying this but i really do think that its kinda nice having to relive those times again eh when you go to every machine and see which one is the coolest and then you along with your school boys and girls drop their bags and squeeze into the small space and snaps snaps!
Luckily it was only the 2 of us today and yeap! we had fun! its amazing what neoprints can do to your face! pimple free! =D

And whats the worse that could happen? the gf brought me to KTV ! it was most embarrassing when she called me virgin boy cause i've not been to ktv in singapore! wth la... and the room was soo small... japan's ktv are huge! they have books to refer to so it makes browsing much more convenient comapared to Kbox which was kinda hard to search for a song.
But yea... had an awefull great time singing horribly! if only the deaf had heard me sing, i might be able to bring them hearing! =P hahaha! Awesome awesome day!
-loves loves!-
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