Oh, stumbled unto this "Beautiful Girl" Remix. I think its quite unique, listen to it! so cool!!!
Was on MC yesterday so I practically stayed home alone the whole day and was randomly surfing around. I decided to pop by Xiaxue's as I heard she was kinda famous. But when I did... I was thinking famous?! She's being insulted here and there! And I also notice there was this thing between him and Steven Lim which I thought was absolutely hilarious! Haha! If you've got nothing on your hands then feel free to visit her site and you'll see the video that she was being bombarded with so many hard questions on some talk show. Its really funny...
I'm intending to go on a holiday with my friends at the end of this year while BB will be going to Japan with her family. Not sure what are the nice places around though. Does anyone have any suggestions??? Someplace that I can shop. eat and enjoy meself... savvy? LOLL!
I'm waiting for the new MacBook Pro (Leopard) to be released before I'm getting one together with Benny. For those who bought yours recently, you better have your own heart for dinner tonight. LOL! Apple OS have always had problems with regards to compatibility with Windows. With the launch of Leopard, one do not have to worry about it at all!!! WOOT! Even using msn on MacBook will not pose any limitations! Thats gonna add to the list of gadgets to the soon-to-be owner! Wohohoho!

Only cool kidz buy MACbook lo.. But not cool kidz also go buy.. damn spoil market la! HAHAHA
haha.. hoh! stole pic from me.. hehe... i got it from yahoo too.. hehe.. will let u know what u asked about the iphone few days later k? i have not talk to him yet.. :D
I love you. And Im so glad you're in my life. =D
just use aMSN under Leopard. I've been using my Macbook Pro since June last year, and still love it to bits. I do miss certain things about Windows, but overall, I'm glad I switched OSes. I may have to get a Windows system exclusively to run SPSS, since SPSS claims that it's latest version does not work with the Intel based Macs properly, and is not responsible for any wrong statistical calculations as a result. bugger.
but yeah. let me know when you're getting, coz I'm thinking of getting an iMac as well.
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