So I spend the afternoon over at Elle's place where I sorta slacked, watched tv, eat donuts, eat pastamania and help set up some bbq stuff for Chunhan's party. LOLL!
Then after we headed out as planned for Live The Dream! I thought this session was quite dumb. In a nutshell, it was supposed to be an elimination round tonight. However, after the high intensity and all... Utt told us that we've been had! All the votes that we've made will actually be snowballed onto the next round. Which means tonight's show, everyone remained in the contest! $%^&*( wasted my time... LOL!!!
But hey! It was certainly nice meeting Dick, Ken and Dawn live. Darn I sometimes wonder if there was any chance I could ever work with them in the future... =((
Yupp, thats me and Chunhan "enjoying ourselves" LOLL!!! in front of the TV!!!
Live The Dream!!! Apparently I was caught on TV.
I was here! =DD
Darn, my driving test is in exactly 2 weeks time and I've yet to have any circuit training whatsoever! I think my instructor sucks big time. He's always having reasons about his absence. And the weird thing is that he does it to everyone including friends whom I've introduced to him! Its really affecting himself and the people around him. Sigh... I just hope that things will change... FAST... =((
you learning stick shift or auto?
driving in the circuit is actually scary at times, coz you have other people taking the test at the same time, and you're not too sure about their skills.
remember, always assume that you are better than anybody, and more often than not, you'll pass. the usual sucking up to the tester routine may work, provided you're not a douchebag.
and also, hope you get my tester. he actually taught me how to drive, and was very nice and kind. hahaha.
gosh... you're one of the few who've given me the confidence that I just needed. Haha! Thanks man.
Oh, I'm learning a manual for your info... wish me luck!!!
and I hope my tester's as kind as yours!
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