The following entry was requested by maire, who insisted that i complete it

7 Random Facts About Me:
1. I'm forgetful esp when it comes to movies i'll be watching even in 5 mins time!
2. NATO? nono, i'm NADO... (no action dream only...)
3. Loves music like crazy! But if you ask me to write a song? err....
4. Snores when i'm DEEP in sleep!
5. Have the ability to fart and sneeze at the same time
6. Gets hyper when i'm very hyper...
7. Cant stand friends who are sooo hyper, my stomache will hurt in their presence... haha!!!
7 Things That Scares Me:
1. Sorry la... though i'm a guy, but i somehow am frightened of flying cockroaches
2. Darkness? erm... after watching some horror flicks la... i'm creative you know...
3. A gentle lady who suddenly goes wild and starts farting everywhere
4. My handphone that has a high chance of exploding while i'm on a call
5. Lack of money
6. Lack of childhood
7. My mama?? tsk tsk...
7 Random Music At The Moment:
1. Da Chang Jin -Some korea singer
2. Ready Butterfly- BoA
3. Santa Baby- PCD
4. You had a bad day- Daniel Powter
5. Curbside Prophet- Jason Mraz
6. Hard to say i'm sorry- Chicago
7. Best Friends- P. Diddy
7 Things I Like The Most:
1. GOD
2. Papa
3. Mama
4. Brother
5. All muah friends (counted as more than 7? i got alot leh)
6. Music appreciation
7. Myself?
7 Things I Say The Most:
1. Wa Lao!
2. What the hell?!
3. Haha- ???
4. So terrible!
5. OMG
6. Shyt
7. Forget it...
5 people (with a blog) I Want Them to Do This:
1. Yvonne
2. Logi
3. Nicole
4. Eviee
5. Marcus (Go make a blog! Dont care! =P)
Oh! To all the father's in the world out there!!! A VERY HAPPY FATHER"S DAY!

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