Do you remember girl,I was the one who gave you your first kiss. Cause I remember girl,I was the one who said put your lips like this. It started when we were younger,you were mine my boo. Even though we used to argue it's alright.I know we haven't seen each other
In a while but you will always be MY BOO.
Hello everyone! As promised, this entry will feature some of those weird moments, moves and groves by me and my buddy during the Singapore Electone Festival, we were the guest item for the show More of the videos can be seen at the following link; just type 'Elvin Ngo' under search engine and you can see some of my past performance... haha, for your info, videos are not posted by me, it was this college of mine who's a little nuts and posted all my videos online. (I'm not so zhi lian ok! haha... except for this entry la...)
The videos that you'll see might be a little laggy meaning that the video and the sounds dont quite match but just bear with it ya. If you want the vcd for the entire show for a better sound quality and picture, just let me know k and i'll get you a copy. Its free! Hope you enjoy the short clips and tag your views! haha... enjoy the crap!
The opening song: Huo Yuan Jia by Jay Chou
Introduction for the second song!!!
Mission Impossible! With shades! haha... geecky!!!
Haha!!! Short intro for last song! Kinda funny one this is...
Haha!!! look at my friend dancing!!! cool? err... heez! =P
Haha!!! weird show if you ask me... nice though.. had fun! It was even nicer with my friends around! haha, seah family came up and gave me a bouquet of flowers!!! it was really nice of them! love ya guys, you rock muah world! haha... after the show i met up with my good friends! Shiyi and Chia Seng! Went out for dinner in the kopitiam with me wearing my turtle neck which was like SUPER HOT! haha! But we still had fun la! then we decided to scare ourselves after dinner by watching silent hill at cenieleisure at 1am! haha, i thought i'll be scared but i ended up ZZzzzz at certain point of the movie! but at least i know what that show was about lor..Anyway, here are some of the pix which we took before we headed into the cenima! It was kinda weird for me to be carrying the big flowers and walking around! Everyone were looking at me the whole time through, like i was some kind of celebrity like that! OMG!!! so shy sia.. So thats about it! Finished the show, reached home around 4am feeling super tired! haha, next day slept till 1pm and poof! back to reality... normal days, normal school! haha!!! Really enjoyed all those times! Hope can rewind then play again! haha! oh wells... thanks everyone for everything! love ya all!!! haha...
Whiew! Its over!!! Nnnooo!!! i'm gonna miss those times of planning, late nights, writing songs, all those 'fun'... gone!!! haha, i'm referring to my performance... it was great, but it jsut seems that time flew so fast! here i am, back on my com typing and going on with my usual life! haha, thanks guys for coming yesterday night! really appreciate it! will upload the pix soon ya...
The following entry was requested by maire, who insisted that i complete it well, read on and find out more about me! enjoy... and laugh your arse out! err... ok, forget i said that... =P here goes:
7 Random Facts About Me: 1. I'm forgetful esp when it comes to movies i'll be watching even in 5 mins time! 2. NATO? nono, i'm NADO... (no action dream only...) 3. Loves music like crazy! But if you ask me to write a song? err.... 4. Snores when i'm DEEP in sleep! 5. Have the ability to fart and sneeze at the same time 6. Gets hyper when i'm very hyper... 7. Cant stand friends who are sooo hyper, my stomache will hurt in their presence... haha!!!
7 Things That Scares Me: 1. Sorry la... though i'm a guy, but i somehow am frightened of flying cockroaches 2. Darkness? erm... after watching some horror flicks la... i'm creative you know... 3. A gentle lady who suddenly goes wild and starts farting everywhere 4. My handphone that has a high chance of exploding while i'm on a call 5. Lack of money 6. Lack of childhood 7. My mama?? tsk tsk...
7 Random Music At The Moment: 1. Da Chang Jin -Some korea singer 2. Ready Butterfly- BoA 3. Santa Baby- PCD 4. You had a bad day- Daniel Powter 5. Curbside Prophet- Jason Mraz 6. Hard to say i'm sorry- Chicago 7. Best Friends- P. Diddy
7 Things I Like The Most: 1. GOD 2. Papa 3. Mama 4. Brother 5. All muah friends (counted as more than 7? i got alot leh) 6. Music appreciation 7. Myself?
7 Things I Say The Most: 1. Wa Lao! 2. What the hell?! 3. Haha- ??? 4. So terrible! 5. OMG 6. Shyt 7. Forget it...
5 people (with a blog) I Want Them to Do This: 1. Yvonne 2. Logi 3. Nicole 4. Eviee 5. Marcus (Go make a blog! Dont care! =P)
Oh! To all the father's in the world out there!!! A VERY HAPPY FATHER"S DAY!
Yipee!!! tomorrow will be THE day!!! haha, super excited! can practically feel the fire glowing in me! haha... know what's happening tomorrow? Its muah performance! I'll be performing at orchard road on the Electone!
Well, though i dont really like taking up this job as a 'performer' but i guess it has its benefits at times like this... Now i sort of had a taste of celebrity life! definately not as easy as you guys see on tv.. those smiles and bubbliness? In singlish is called 'all forced out wan' ! haha... but not that bad either... have people coming up to you saying hi but you've no idea who they are! you get special discounts when you go to certain places who happen to see you in your show! haha, not bad at all huh... Below are some of my pics from one of the performances:
Ok... i better stop bragging about meself.. haha... sorry people! i'm just excited and proud of myself for being able to go so far so pardon me la...
I guess its just that during these months i've been busy writing songs like hell for performances and there're people who have been saying things about this and that which really pissed me off! i mean... office politics or kay po?! WTH! Feel like grabbing them by the collars and shout "you so good you go and do la!" haha! but unfortunately they're my 'seniors'... hai... oh wells... i guess after writing those, and anger all left my fingers! that felt good! haha...
All in all, just hope you people will like the music... For those going for the performance, hope you like it! Wish me luck people!
Haiz... The last few days of my school were supposed to be my super fun days but due to my stoopid fever... had to give lots of activities a miss! argh! Couldnt stand the staying-at-home-treatment so i sorta dragged myself to club so at least i'll get to see that little glimpse of fun!
Haha... and guess what? it was a load of disappointment! went to music underground then there was no one there initially... after a while people started coming in and gathered around the tv... know why??? WORLD CUP!!! yesterday was the start of the world cup so everybody just lingered around the television and watch soccer! so freaking pissed! haha, but at least the country i supported won la... go germany! 4-2!!!
Then when i came back from the clubbing thingy, whole body started that #$%^&* ache again! =P Regretted going clubbing and shouldnt have drank so much alcohol... oh oh! so sorry marie!!! didnt go for your sentosa thingy!!! Gomenasai!!! promise the next outing i'll sure go ok! no more kite flying!!! I feel so bad... SORRY!!!
I heard that you can put audio files unto blogs right? provided if there is this url thingy right? I'm a I.T idiot so is there anyone who has any site to introduce this function?
realised that with music around... my heart will be much more relaxed...
Been feeling sick these days.. was trying to go out before schools starts. But i was supposed to go out to sentosa today... all my stoopid fever's fault... guess there's always another time right? haha... Oh, thanks for those tags people! really love your suggestions regarding hdd esp trs. Thanks! erm, i guess i may not need such a big storage space for it. All i need is some programs and documents. But i'll do more researching... Did u know? Elephants are the only mammals that cant jump
Haha! today was a crappy day la... went out with yvonne and her friend today... we went to suntec and boy was there a great queue! I've never seen such a long queue that stretched from city link's exit all the way across the metal structured bridge all the way towards suntec! was kinda surprised that the bridge was able to sustain those people! haha, in the end i had to make a big detour around... know why the crowd? because kiasu singaporeans like me go to events like the PC SHOW at the last day, last minute!
Wanted to buy some electronics which are really cool and cheap! so after a long consideration, i've decided to get a particular hard disk drive.. in the end when i enquired about it, damn! it was totally snatched up! It was this 3.5 external hard disk going for $219 by Seagate with 5 years warranty... sounds pretty convincing... but sad...
In the end i left the place empty handed... But i actually had something else that cheered me up... haha... there were people who went around with weird fashion sense! whats wrong with singapore?! Just the other day a friend of mine told me he saw this old guy who walked around the streets of chinatown in a red dress with make-up and a handbag!!! GOODNESS!!! where's the lord?!
And then i realised that there was this other new blog created by this homosapien... He/She set up this blog with people who has a weird sense of fashion and secretly flash them and put photos in the blog! haha, quite mean ar... =P check it out if you can! its new so things are not exactly up yet but be patient ya, its worth the laugh..! haha...
Did you know??? The first vacuum was so large it was brought to a house with horses
Its another day of slacking... practically stayed at home the ENTIRE day and watch korea drama! I really cant stand it already... seriously in need to go out or something! I'm having severe migrane... just not used to stay at home for even one day! getting home-sick... wonder how those birds in the cages survive for so long!
(err.. something is wrong with my smileys... cant seem to find the toolbar.. so for this entry i'll leave it as plain as you can see... haha!!!)
Yipee! My school is gonna start soon! cant wait for it to commence! hmm, this period of time there'll be lots of things that'll be happening... Well, for one my performance! located in orchard road, really think it'll be a spectacular night! The suspense in time is killing me! Apart from that is school that we all know... hmm, really gotta gambatte and do muah best!
However, apart from that, i just realised that i'm also in a tight schedule. For one cos my contract as a performer hasnt ended so i'll have to work and study at the same time! I was thinking of quitting, however there's a 'fee' or should i just call it a penalty that i'll have to pay... its $1500!!! no point right? esp when the contract is gonna cease at the end of september. I just hope that it wont be a great burden for me... Probably try to call YAMAHA and let them know so that i dont have to perform so often and have more time to study!
And wa lao! (damn), there's another thing i wanna complain man! Singapore is getting warmer and warmer! And people who are all around my small little country is saying how cold their place is and i'm like @#$%^&*!!!! I just miss those times where i can go for a ski or ice-skate under the sun! hai... i wanna see white flakes all around meee!!!
Did you know? You will burn about 7% more calories walking on hard dirt than pavement... HAHA!!!